Barbie s married adult friend, Midge, gets ready to welcome a new baby. Midge is part of a very happy family with her husband Alan and their first child Ryan. Now, there s a new baby sister on the way. Help Midge and her family get ready to care for their new bundle of joy. This Midge and Baby set comes with a handy 3-in-1 crib, table, cradle and lots of other things that a newborn needs. Also includes diaper, crib blanket, baby monitor, baby bottle and baby bottle warmer, baby wipe box with baby wipes, baby powder bottle, shampoo bottle, rattle, bear, receiving blanket and instructions. Midge measures approximately 11.5 inches tall. Alan and Ryan figures sold separately.Barbie’s best friend Midge and her husband Alan (sold separately) are expecting their second child--a little girl! Happy Family Midge has a magnetic, detachable belly (baby fits neatly inside)--which allows her to transform from very pregnant to unnervingly svelte in a matter of seconds. If only it were that easy! While the magnetic belly isn’t the most life-like example for kids, it does allow younger ones to grasp the concept of a baby growing inside mommy. Midge comes dressed in a lavender floral dress, fuchsia heeled mules, pink earrings, and--of course--a wedding ring. Baby’s accessories include a 3-in-1 crib, changing table, and cradle, mattress, blanket, bathtub, two diapers, as well as tiny teddy bear, rattle, monitor, bottle, rubber ducky, and more. Safety information: This product contains magnets. Do not use around items that are sensitive to or affected by magnetic fields. This set also contains small parts and poses a choking hazard for children under the age of three. --M. Wilson