IR(Infrared Control )Fighting Tank
Please buy 2 or more than 2 tanks with different frequencies, let you experience All-New Realistic Tank Battle!
Fighting distance is about 4 meters, enjoy the realistic fighting game of two tanks fighting together!
A. Tank Battle Aim the barrel to the IR receiver of another tank and launch the cannon or machine gun quickly. Scream and flashing lights send out when the tank is hit by the opponent. Each time the tank got hit for one time by the cannon or being hit by the machine gun for 5 times, one life value indicator will be OFF and take turns until all the life value indicators are all flashing, which means this tank is defeated in this game.
B. Instruction on life value indicator
1. Make sure only when all the life value indicators are all "ON" can you carry out any other actions. When starting, with the sound "Di Di" sending out, the tank is in the state of Non-protection, only after the "Di Di" sound can the tank be hit by the cannon.
2. Once the tank got hit by the cannon for 1 time or got hit by the machine gun for 5 times, 1 life value indicator will be OFF.
3. If the tank got hit by the cannon or machine gun, D4 will be flashing; When D4 keep flashing, it won t get hit by your opponent any more.
4. No life value indicators means not only the machine gun is "damaged and can not be used but also the turret is "damaged" and can not be rotation, however, the turret can still launch the cannon.
5. When all the life value indicators are flashing, it means the tank is defeated. The tank will conduct simulated maintenance, this time the tank can not be restarted until the life value indicators are OFF and then you can rejoin the game.