Hearing loss from loud sound affects millions of people, but noise-induced hearing loss is preventable! Etymotic Research s ER•20 XS High-Fidelity Earplugs reduce sound levels while preserving sound quality and clarity. ER•20 XS earplugs are configured to replicate the natural response of the ear, so sound quality is the same as the original, only quieter. Music, voices and other sounds are clear--not muffled--making ER•20 XS ideal for concerts, clubs, theaters, aircraft, construction, yard work, air shows, parades and athletic or motorsports events. The new low-profile, stem-less design fits snugly in the outer ear without protruding, making ER•20 XS comfortable to wear under hats, helmets, and other headgear. The large-size ER•20 XS earplugs are reusable, but with repeated use, the eartips may lose elasticity. For best performance and retention, if you use your ER•20 XS earplugs frequently, replace the eartips every 3-6 months. Not recommended for use with impulse noises such as gunfire, or for sleeping.